Getting out of the flat, without losing your sense of humour. Or maybe just a bit.
I have been in Hong Kong for over 7 years and happily talked of its convenience and amazing weather. Now I have Baby O, I have had to rethink this - not because it isn't convenient per se, but that it is absolutely not convenient when you have a buggy with a screaming hungry baby, and you are sweating from your shins, you have no idea how to get to a nursing room, there are no seats and you need to wee. When I was pregnant I was very oblivious and perhaps a little naive about how much I would be out and about - I was convinced it would easy. Pah! Now, in the cold light of a hot humid day, with a baby who wants feeding, or holding, whilst you also have a nappy bag, buggy, and all of the other paraphernalia required to just exit the house, it is a little more of a chore. Michael McIntyre does a skit on leaving the house with children, and I laughed so hard my pelvic floor nearly let me down! Now the point of this post isn't to bemoan the set up of HK or the trials and tribul...