Clueless Mummy of Two
I'm Real Average Mummy’s Friend. Another Real Average Mummy (of two).
Today was the day I wiped my sweat soaked face with a sock that I’d worn at softplay because, despite now having two children, I apparently don’t carry anything more suitable for the job.
After a wholly unsuccessful trip to softplay (1.5yo needs tiring out, but apparently not in the company of other humans, who are only for hitting and grabbing), we ended up in the park. At 34 degrees, the heat had fortunately driven away all other children, but also made the play equipment somewhat redundant. Still, 1.5yo took great joy in running between the slide and swing tentatively poking the plastic and shouting “hot!”, then blowing his finger like a forkful of his dinner.
I mopped my face dry with the aforementioned sock in a welcome snack break in the shade, newborn happily breastfeeding in the carrier and toddler chowing down on some raisins.
After being nervous about taking my oldest out of the pram with his little brother in tow, I’m chalking this first adventure up as a (rather sweaty) win!
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